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Vanitas 6 Update (08-07-2016)

Well, the figure part of this drawing (22" x 15") is almost finished. The hand and arm still need a little more work. I am not 100% sure about what to do with the background though... Should I just leave it blank just as it is??? I need to think.



Vanitas 7 started

Here is a new piece I started yesterday, "Vanitas 7". This is on Bristol board and I am planning on working primarily in charcoal but also thinking about mixing in some other media, possibly graphite and/or watercolor for a little bit of color. Will see...


Vanitas 6 started

For these few days I have been working on this new pastel drawing: Vanitas 6. From Vanitas 1 through 5, they were all black and white graphite drawings, so I wanted to add some colors to my work this time. This is still work in progress, but it is moving much much faster than super detailed graphite drawings naturally. I am working on black Canson paper.


Vanitas 5

I did this small (9" x 9") graphite drawing last week. As a part of the upcoming Urban Scrawl weekend in Franklinton Arts District, I was asked if I was interested in contributing a small artwork to be exhibited during the event in the adjacent gallery space: OAL X Space. This piece was done based on a photograph I got from one of the earlier photo sessions with my model Lea. I had always wanted to use this image for my piece and this was the perfect chance to do so.


Vanitas 3-2 (renamed Vanitas 4) finished! (06-19-2016)

And now it's finally done!

Moving on to the next piece. For the next one, I will probably not use graphite like this...