Koo Schadler workshop

I attended Koo Schadler's egg tempera workshop this past weekend. It was an excellent 3-day workshop at Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV and I learned so much from her. She showed us what could be achieved with this painting process by demonstrating various techniques as well as talking about the science of its ingredients while touching upon many painters' processes in history of art. I took some snap shots during the workshop.
Here is Koo on the right doing a demo for the attendees.
This was the table set up. Egg cracking station and pigment stations.
Various pigment pastes she had prepared for us.
The beginning of my painting. We were told to work based off of a photograph she took. I covered the background with a few layers of paint.
I scraped the portion of the pear with a razor blade re-surfacing the gesso ground. I did some work on the marble base that looks more like granite... You can see the masks I was using.
Worked on the pear.
Added a little more details to the pear. This is how it looked after a couple coats of nourishing layers. This is probably about 20% finished. You can see it is still far from being done when you compare it to the photograph on the left. Koo says she usually builds up 40 to 60 layers of colors on her paintings. I probably have only a dozen layers on my pear...
This workshop inspired me tremendously. It also made me realize I really have to do better time management and be able to set up solid studio time for myself if I continue to do this type of painting.
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