Art at the Arnold

I participated in the event: Art at The Arnold for the first time this year. It was a part of the Arnold Sports Festival which takes place once every year at the Convention Center in downtown Columbus, Ohio. We made art using models on Friday. Saturday was all day studio session, then there was an exhibit on Sunday. I spent total 11 hours on my painting. It was intense but so much fun. I didn't win anything but I am glad I did this. I hope to do this again next year. Here are snap shots I took.
Here is a scene on Friday. We had 3 models for 4 hours in the beginning.
Mike in the foreground and John seated close to the model.
Here is what I was working on during the Friday session.
This is my colleague Arthur Wang's beautiful watercolor.
Ron's oil painting.
Sunday's exhibit scene.
The small painting in the middle is the one that won the first place.
This is Fran's beautiful watercolor piece. She won one of the awards for this.
With my painting. I realized I forgot to paint his belly button. Oh well, I am going to paint that in later...
One of the artists included me in her painting. You can see me close to the edge on the right.
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