"Cascade" work in progress

I decided to tentatively name this piece "Cascade" and it's possibly #1 of the series done in a similar technique and concept.
There are 2 panes of glass placed on top of the other: the top layer has the photographic image printed on the reverse side, then the second layer beneath has gold leafing on the front side. Behind these 2 panes of glass, there is an oxidized and primed steel plate that adds an extra texture to the piece from behind. So there are total 3 layers. This assemblage will be housed in a wooden frame I am constructing. This image was captured via a bed scanner and because of the rich texture of the gold leafing, the fine detail of the facial features seem obscured. However, the actual photograph is much more detailed when you get up close, and also the gold leaf changes its color and texture depending on your viewing angles and whatever it is reflecting that happens to be near by. I am not completely satisfied with this scanned image because of the way the face looks. This picture just doesn't do justice. I will try to document this in a different method that is more accurate somehow...
Here is another shot of this piece from a different camera angle and different lighting. You can clearly see the color and texture of gold leaf look completely different from the scanned version's.