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Entries in paper animals (8)


Bocci's Beefs

My good friend Joan DeMartin was kind enough to advertise my new book "Paper Pups" on her blog Bocci's Beefs. During this photo shoot, Bocci was so excited that I had hard time keeping him still with me. Somehow I managed it. She is giving away 3 autographed copies of this book.


Paper Pups book is out!

Today I finally received copies of my "Paper Pups" book I had ordered from Barnes & Noble. Now I can send these to some of my friends. It is truly gratifying to actually see the project I worked on for about a year become a physical reality. I do love the weight and touch of the book as well as the design itself; things you couldn't experience with a digital book.


Rosie's Arts And Crafts

I have been visiting this Lady Rosie's blog every so often. She lives in England and does all kinds of arts and crafts that involve paper and cross stitching. She has made some of the paper animals from my book Kirigami Menagerie and I have enjoyed looking at her versions of my designs. Today I saw her Dragon and I had to post it on my blog. She did an excellent job watercoloring it, although she mentioned that making the dragon was a very difficult process. It looks good to me!

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