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Entries in paper crafts (6)


Stonybrook Charles B. Wang Center Paper Craft Workshops Updates

I worked on 3 paper craft workshop videos for these past few days. I just finished editing the last one and uploaded it to Google Drive to share with the Stonybrook University Charles B. Wang Center. Now I can take a breather and relax a little. The Center made an announcement of my workshops on their website as below. It's official now. For these workshops, I had to alter my original designs to fit the Center's concept and the direction of the workshops. First, I was a little reluctant to do so, but as I was working on them, I realized actually the altered versions were much more marketable because of the smaller sizes and the simpler designs. I am glad they asked me to do so. 


Back to Stonybrook (well, sort of)

Curator of Stonybrook University Charles Wang Center Jinyoung emailed me the other day and asked me if I was interested in doing a few workshops in fall this year. They will be online workshops of paper crafts. I accepted the offer and started working on them. I went to Stonybrook 5 years ago to be part of a group show Origami Heaven. This time I will not physically be back there but still it was nice to be able to do something for them again. Here are a couple of shots of animal nightlight projects I am planning on doing workshops on.


Anna-Wili Highfield

While surfing the web looking for anything related to Paper Birds, I came across this Australian artist Anna-Wili Highfield. Her animals are made of paper over copper wire armatures. The way she incorporates hand-torn edges of paper is just elegant and beautiful. The poses of the animals captured in a moment of suspension are just exquisite and truly evoke the sense of movement and energy. Here is the description of her work on her web site.

Anna-Wili's sculptures are stitched together from archival cotton rag. Her works explore the organic qualities and resistance of paper, generating a tension between the complex realism of form and the limitations and economy of the materials used. They represent animal life in an immediate way that conveys the energy, movement and physical character of different creatures. Her aim is to engineer a moment of contact with nature in a way that emphasises both the startling differences and similarities of human and animal forms and consciousness.




Martha Stewart Living blog

Martha Stewart Living posted a review of my "Paper Pups" book on their crafts blog. I enjoyed the paper dogs their staff made from my book with some creative patterns.


Rosie's Arts And Crafts

I have been visiting this Lady Rosie's blog every so often. She lives in England and does all kinds of arts and crafts that involve paper and cross stitching. She has made some of the paper animals from my book Kirigami Menagerie and I have enjoyed looking at her versions of my designs. Today I saw her Dragon and I had to post it on my blog. She did an excellent job watercoloring it, although she mentioned that making the dragon was a very difficult process. It looks good to me!