I made a little collage of drawings I did this year. These are the ones I exhibited (or am going to soon) in the shows. One thing I have noticed when I put all these pieces together is that my treatment of the background is getting more elaborate. They are not just a simple back drop providing some shade to the negative space but they become a secondary narrative element and interact with the main events in the foreground. This is more apparent in the larger pieces due to the simple fact that there is more room to play with in them.
I do like what I am seeing here. As I mentioned in my last blog post, I see some change happening in my drawings. And I feel this kind of background treatment works really well with this new direction. It adds a subtle but more complex narrative structure to the drawing.
Artistically 2022 was a satisfying year. I participated in many shows and my art was featured in a few publications large and small. I was finalists at 4 competitions. The sales of art are still slow. I hope that will improve next year.
Well, I just have to believe in what I am doing and keep going!