Photo Shoot at Lark Books

Earlier last month, I drove down to Asheville, North Carolina for a photo shoot for my upcoming paper craft book, "Paper Pups". I spent 2 days at my publisher Lark Books assisting the photo shoot as a project stylist. During the shoot, I snapped a few pictures.
My editor Beth Sweet arranging the Boxers.
Beth Sweet and Shannon Yokeley working with the Chihuahuas.
Photographer Steve Mann playing with lights.
This book is all about dogs with 40 different breeds I designed in it. It will have photographs, step-by-step instructions on how to build them and their templates, much like my last book "Kirigami Menagerie". This book is coming out in the fall of 2013. I can hardly wait.
While I was in Asheville, I got together with friends of mine Tamie Beldue, Shane Snider and their son Silas who live in Black Mountain, NC.
Tamie teaches drawing and printmaking at UNC, Shane exhibits his beautiful sculptures at Gallery Minerva in Asheville and designs furniture. It's been a few years since they moved from OH to NC, so it was really nice to see that they were doing very well.