Drawing Magazine Strokes of Genius 13

I just saw this cover photo of Drawing Magazine - Strokes of Genius 13 issue online with my drawing "Vanitas 23". What an unexpectedly wonderful birthday surprise! I can't wait to see a copy in person late November,

I received advanced copies of the magazine yesterday. Man, this is a great issue and I am not saying that because I have 2 pieces in it. Seriously, there are some jaw dropping, mouth watering and super inspiring artworks in this issue. It makes me feel honored and humbled to be a part of this wonderful publication! I am grateful for the juror Cuong Nguyen for selecting my pieces and Drawing Magazine for the Honorable Mention and using my piece on the cover.

And here it is, finally hitting the bookstores all over the world (I think)! Photo courtesy of my friend Susan Summerfeld. Thanks Susan for your eagle eye!