934 Gallery Show

I had a 2 week run of my solo show "Vanitas" at 934 Gallery. Here are the snapshots I took the night before closing.
I had a 2 week run of my solo show "Vanitas" at 934 Gallery. Here are the snapshots I took the night before closing.
2 pieces of mine were featured in the latest issue of "The Hand" Magazine. This was the first time I submitted any work to this publication. I am glad I did. In the same issue I see some familiar artists' works I have always admired.
Today I received an email notifying my recent photo piece "Panacea" (renamed from "Cascade") had been accepted into this year's Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit. Well, now at least I will get to show the piece in public and see how people's reactions might be. I am kind of looking forward to that.
I started printing on glass using Van Dyke Brown process. It worked pretty well. This might possibly turn into a new boy of work. This is a work in progress. I am going to try some mixed media on this.
One of my pieces is going to be included in an upcoming group show "Alternative Processes" at The Center for Fine Art Photography Fort Collins, Colorado. It is a salt print I made with chicken blood. The juror was the author of "Alternative photographic processes" Christopher James. The art works included in this exhibit look very impressive. I am honored to be a part of this fantastic show. The show will run from October 3 to November 1, 2014.