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Entries in kinetic sculpture (10)


Peepshow #9

I just completed a new piece called, "Peepshow #9". It is a kinetic sculpture in a small wooden box just like the other Peepshow pieces I previously made. This one is the smallest ever (6 inch cube). It's going to be included in an upcoming show called, "Naked" at Hammond Harkins Gallery. This is a group show by the faculty of Columbus College of Art & Design. We are all submitting the pieces based on this theme, "Naked" bringing in our individual interpretations. It should be interesting. The show will run from 10/18 through 11/17. The images below are the exterior view of the piece and the interior view through the peephole. You can watch the piece in action here.


Work in progress

This is a new automaton piece I have been working on. It is still in a prototype stage, but I am happy about the way this is taking shape so far.


Peepshow #8 video

I recently reworked on my old piece "Peepshow #8". Originally, the interior space of the piece had white walls and white ceiling. But I was not completely happy about the way it looked, so I decided to paint the entire interior space in red, the same color I used to paint wooden balls inside this piece. Also I got rid of a tiny bow that was originally tied to the swing set. It just looked unnecessary. I uploaded the video on the web. Here is the piece in action.


Vista Interna in action

Here is the link to a compilation video clips of my sculptures Vista Interna # 1 ~ #6 in action with a better resolution. A low resolution video clip is below. And this is the Columbus Dispatch newspaper exhibit review.


My show

I had my gallery show opening yesterday and I just came back home after surviving this month's Gallery Hop night. I saw a TON of people, talking to them about my new work. It was a lot of work but fun. Now I can take a little breather, so I figured I should post the images of my new pieces. These are the ones I am currently exhibiting at Sherrie Gallerie in Columbus, OH. The show will run through July 31st.
Here is my artist statement for this show.

Artist Statement
My new series titled, "Vista Interna" communicates certain desires and the sense of secrets that go with the act of voyeurism. These kinetic sculptures come to life by the hand of the audience and this interactivity is essential to make the viewing experience complete. Each piece displays a different scene inside, but they are always about a drama between a hand and red balls. There are many layers of meanings to each piece. However, I would like to leave the interpretations to each audience. This body of work attempts to tap into an intermediate zone where art and toy, reality and illusion and materials and spirit meet.

This is the frontal exterior view of the piece called "Vista Interna #1". It is an interactive sculpture to be activated by a viewer with the turn of a crank which is located in the back.
And here is the interior view through a peephole. The mechanical hand pushes down the black string which is connected to the red ball hanging on the outside. So when the finger moves, the ball moves too.
There are total 6 pieces and they are very similar in terms of exterior designs. They all use hand crank vintage phonograph motors as power sources. The switches on the backs are for the lights inside the boxes.

Here is "Vista Interna #2". Fingers tap on the floor and the red ball swings back and forth.

"Vista Interna #3". 2 inside fingers move and the red ball swings over them back and forth like a pendulum.

"Vista Interna #4". The fingers travel left and right back and forth over the red balls.

"Vista Interna #5". All 5 fingers move and gently rock the red balls cradled in the hand.

And "Vista Interna #6". 4 fingers in the back move up and down while the 2 red balls in the foreground dance around going back and forth across the floor.