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Entries in peepshow (7)


Peepshow #9

I just completed a new piece called, "Peepshow #9". It is a kinetic sculpture in a small wooden box just like the other Peepshow pieces I previously made. This one is the smallest ever (6 inch cube). It's going to be included in an upcoming show called, "Naked" at Hammond Harkins Gallery. This is a group show by the faculty of Columbus College of Art & Design. We are all submitting the pieces based on this theme, "Naked" bringing in our individual interpretations. It should be interesting. The show will run from 10/18 through 11/17. The images below are the exterior view of the piece and the interior view through the peephole. You can watch the piece in action here.


Peepshow #8 video

I recently reworked on my old piece "Peepshow #8". Originally, the interior space of the piece had white walls and white ceiling. But I was not completely happy about the way it looked, so I decided to paint the entire interior space in red, the same color I used to paint wooden balls inside this piece. Also I got rid of a tiny bow that was originally tied to the swing set. It just looked unnecessary. I uploaded the video on the web. Here is the piece in action.


Peepshow #8

Here is a quick snapshot of my new piece Peepshow #8. It is the smallest box I have ever designed: 17"x 14"x14". I also made it as light as possible by using thinner wood panels and adding extra support mterials around the corners. As far as the mechanism goes, this is probably the most well-designed of all the Peepshow pieces. It uses 4 gears and 1 cam to produce 2 movements generated by 1 electric motor.
I haven't documented the interior view of this piece yet. I will upload it when I have a chance.


Peepshow #5 in action

This was the first piece that moved my kinetic sculptures into a slightly different direction than I had initially envisioned. I started to enjoy so much freedom when working on this kind of work. I also felt that I was going back to the kind of things I had been interested in many years back when I was younger and it just felt "right" to work on this sculpture. The movement of the arm is a little clumsy, but I am happy about the overall design of this room.


Peepshow #6 in action

Here is the video of Peepshow #6 in action. I dedicated this sculpture to 2 of my pets who passed away that year. I was thinking about some invisible force that sometimes affects our lives in an unexpected way, and when you look back later, you can almost feel its presence in the course of events that took place.