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Entries in video (3)


Peepshow #5 in action

This was the first piece that moved my kinetic sculptures into a slightly different direction than I had initially envisioned. I started to enjoy so much freedom when working on this kind of work. I also felt that I was going back to the kind of things I had been interested in many years back when I was younger and it just felt "right" to work on this sculpture. The movement of the arm is a little clumsy, but I am happy about the overall design of this room.


Peepshow #6 in action

Here is the video of Peepshow #6 in action. I dedicated this sculpture to 2 of my pets who passed away that year. I was thinking about some invisible force that sometimes affects our lives in an unexpected way, and when you look back later, you can almost feel its presence in the course of events that took place.


Peepshow #7 in action

Here is a short clip of my kinetic sculpture "Peepshow #7" in action. This piece is about frustration related to the experience of "seeing". But while working on this piece, by adding fingers, eye, scissors to the whole design of the set, it ended up suggesting a sexual undertone, which I had not originally intended...