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Entries in Paper Monsters and curious creatures (2)


Paper Monsters & Curious Creatures progress update

I just found the cover image of my book "Paper Monsters & Curious Creatures" online. The designer at Lark Books Kristi Pfeffer did a great job coming up with this design. I think it really communicates the kind of fun my readers will have working on these projects. The release date of this book is August 5th this year. There will be plenty of time for my readers to make these monsters and get ready for Halloween!


"Paper Monsters and Curious Creatures" in progress

My next new book "Paper Monsters and Curious Creatures" is moving along. Today I received the first laser print out. I am going to go through this page by page for the next few days and make necessary corrections. This book will come out some time in the fall of 2014. As a teaser, below are Just a couple of pages from the book in progress. Love the backgrounds of these 2 projects!