Fine Art Galleries > Vanitas > Vanitas 37 (Fall)
Graphite, watercolor and colored pencil on Bristol board, 16" x 16", 2024.
This drawing tested my patience while I worked on and off for 7 months. I struggled with this one leaf rendered in color, not for difficulty of rendering, but for difficulty of finding just the right one for reference. The colors of the leaves were changing constantly and rapidly in the middle of fall and that added extra pressure on my search. It had to be an ivy and nothing else and it had to have both green color and red color at the right ratio. When I almost gave up after driving around weeks and weeks in search of the perfect leaf and not being able to find it, I found this perfect leaf in the back alley right behind my house. That's how things work in life.
Portrait Society of Amarica Members Only Competition, Non-commissioned catagory 4th Place, 2024.
Private collection